Call of duty ps3

Bästsäljare Call of duty ps3

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Call Of Duty Ghosts Game PS3

133 kr  i lager
3 ny från 133 kr
4 används från 52 kr
Fri frakt
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


Part Number202984
Is Adult Product

Call Of Duty 3 Game PS3

348 kr  i lager
1 används från 348 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


  • Call of Duty 3 livar upp slaget med avancerad grafik, en ny fysikmotor, en procedurmiljö och detaljerade ensemble-animeringar
  • Helt ny stridsmekanik med nära håll låter spelare kämpa hand till hand, improvisera explosiva enheter, avlägsna fällor och möta en mängd andra slagfältssituationer
  • Nästa-generation nivå design ger förgrenade uppdragsvägar, låter dig bestämma hur du ska konfrontera fiender – flanera en motståndare, träffa honom på huvudet eller välj speciella taktik som att snipa och rivning
  • Miljöfysik tillåter spelare att förstöra fiendens gömningar, tvingar ut fiendens ute – kom bara ihåg att dina fiender kan göra detsamma för dig
  • Lagbaserad multispelare med fordon för lagbaserad strid med upp till 24 spelare som kämpar dem online

Call Of Duty 9 Black Ops II 2 Hardened Edition Game PS3

1 253 kr  i lager
1 används från 1 253 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


Part Number84473UK
Release Date2012-11-13T00:00:01Z
EditionHardened Edition
FormatOkänt format

ACTIVISION – Activision Ps3 Call Of Duty Avancerad Warfare – 87262SP

560 kr  i lager
2 används från 151 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


  • Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Ps3

Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Game (Platinum) PS3

502 kr  i lager
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


  • Authentic Advanced Weaponry: Featuring an available arsenal of more than 70 new and authentic weapons and gear from assault rifles with laser sights, claymore mines, .50 caliber sniper rifles, and M-249 SAW machine guns. With accessories like night-vision goggles and ghillie suits, for maximum concealment, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has players locked and loaded to accomplish the mission.
  • Coordinated Assault and Support: Delivering the most visceral action thriller ever, the title covers modern battle from the soldier to the satellite, where the need for air support is critical to success. The adrenaline rush deployment enlists gamers to fast-rope from tactical helicopters, ride in an armada of attack choppers, utilise jets to remove enemy strongholds and even engage hostiles from thousands of feet above the ground inside a state of the art aerial gunship.
  • Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound: Featuring stunning next-generation graphics, players will be drawn into the cinematic intensity of Modern Warfare. Amazing special effects, including realistic depth of field, rim-lighting, character self-shadowing, texture streaming as well as physics-enabled effects will enlist players into the most photo-realistic gaming experience. Combine the lifelike graphics and the realistic battle chatter with the Call of Duty award-winning sound design and players
  • Unparalleled Depth to Multiplayer: Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty 2 delivering a persistent online experience for greater community interaction. Featuring create-a-class options allowing players to customise gear that is best suited for play, to experience points enabling unlockables and perks, all the way to matchmaking and leaderboards for the latest in tracking, Modern Warfare's multiplayer is set to deliver easily accessible and addictive online play for all.

Call Of Duty 7 Black Ops Game PS3

400 kr  i lager
1 används från 56 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


  • Seventh installment of the Call of Duty series, based on the live fire conflicts of the Cold War era.
  • Diverse variety of play setting ranging from urban air and ground combat in SE Asia, to snow combat in Soviet region and jungle combat.
  • Blending of traditional COD, and new first-person character scenarios designed to both retain the essence of the COD gaming experience and ensure constantly flowing and varied action.
  • New arsenal of weapons and vehicles tied to the Cold War era, including the SR-71 Blackbird and sited explosive-tipped crossbows.
  • Wide array of play modes including single player, local multiplayer versus and online co-op and multiplayer.

Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare PS3 Game

501 kr  i lager
1 används från 56 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


  • Call of Duty Advanced Warfare takes place in a plausible future in which technological progress and todays military practices have converged with powerful consequences.
  • In this carefully researched and crafted vision of the future, Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become the dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting the rules of war.
  • And Jonathan Irons, the founder and president of the worlds largest PMC - Atlas Corporation - is at the center of it all.
  • Powerful exoskeletons evolve every aspect of a soldiers battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization.
  • The introduction of this gameplay mechanic delivers enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3)

1 735 kr  i lager
2 ny från 1 735 kr
2 används från 168 kr
från och med augusti 1, 2024 8:15 e m


Part Number006306.001
Is Adult Product

Call of Duty Black Ops II playthrough 1/11 (PS3) (no death)

Playthrough of the campaign on the regular difficulty setting. This video is a playthrough of the game's first mission, "Pyrrhic ...

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